
Thursday, September 03, 2009

ASM Dynamic Volume Manager and ASM Clustered File System

Two of the top features in 11gR2 are the ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (ADVM) and ASM Clustered File System (ACFS). What is the big deal about these two?

ADVM allows you to create a volume from an ASM diskgroup. Here is an example where we created a volume called asm_vol1 of 100 MB on a diskgroup called DATA:

ASMCMD [+] > volcreate -G DATA -s 100M asm_vol1

Internally it issues the command

alter diskgroup DATA add volume 'asm_vol1' size 100M;

Now you enable the volume you just created:

ASMCMD [+] > volenable -G DATA asm_vol1

Internally it issues:
alter diskgroup DATA enable volume 'asm_vol1';

You can perform other commands like resize, delete, disable; but more on that later on a full length article.

Now that the volume is created, what can you do with it. Well, like all volumes, you can create a filesystem on it. Here is an example of creating a FS called acfs1:

[root@oradba2 ~]# mkdir /acfs1
[root@oradba2 ~]# /sbin/mkfs -t acfs /dev/asm/asm_vol1-207
mkfs.acfs: version =
mkfs.acfs: on-disk version = 39.0
mkfs.acfs: volume = /dev/asm/asm_vol1-207
mkfs.acfs: volume size = 268435456

Register MountPoint Command:

[root@oradba2 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil registry -a -f /dev/asm/asm_vol1-207 /acfs1
acfsutil registry: mount point /acfs1 successfully added to Oracle Registry

If you get an error, use the force option:

[root@oradba2 /]# /sbin/mkfs.acfs -f /dev/asm/asm_vol1-207
mkfs.acfs: version =
mkfs.acfs: on-disk version = 39.0
mkfs.acfs: volume = /dev/asm/asm_vol1-207
mkfs.acfs: volume size = 268435456
mkfs.acfs: Format complete.

Now you mount the the filesystem:

[root@oradba2 /]# /bin/mount -t acfs /dev/asm/asm_vol1-207 /acfs1

Now if you will check the filesystem, you will notice a new one - /acfs1

[root@oradba2 /]# df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
149313708 22429752 119176924 16% /
/dev/sda1 101086 11765 84102 13% /boot
tmpfs 907628 591640 315988 66% /dev/shm
262144 37632 224512 15% /acfs1

This new filesystem is actually carved out of the ASM diskspace. This can be used as a regular filesystem:

[root@oradba2 /]# cd /acfs1
[root@oradba2 acfs1]# ls
[root@oradba2 acfs1]# touch 1

So, what't the big deal about it? Plenty.

First, this is part of the ASM management; so all the bells and whistles of ASM - such as asynch i/o, etc. - applies to this filesystem.

Second, this is now a "cluster" filesystem; it is visible across a cluster. So, now you have a fully functional generic filesystem visible across the cluster.

Third, this is now protected by the Grid infrastructure, if you have installed it. Remember from my earlier posts that in 11gR2 you can now have a restartable grid infrastructure even on a single instance.

More on ASM Dynamic Volume Manager later in a full length article. But I hope this makes you really interested.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Oracle 11g R2 Features

Continuing on the previous posts, here is another gee-whiz feature of 11gR2 - the "deinstall" feature. Yes, that's right the deinstall one. Sometimes installations fail; sometimes you have to deinstall something to clean out the server for other use. Sometimes, I did, you have to clean out beta code to install production code. A deinstall utility stops all the processes, removes all the relevant software and components (such as diskgroups), updates all config files and make all necessary modifications to the other files. All these are done without you ever bothering about remnants that may cause issues later.

You have to download the deinstall software from 11gR2 download from OTN. Choose "see all" to get to that software.

Here is the demonstration of the deinstall utility:

[oracle@oradba2 deinstall]$ ./deinstall -home /opt/oracle/product/11.2/grid1
ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/product/11.2/grid1
Location of logs /opt/oracle/oraInventory/logs/

############ ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL START ############

######################## CHECK OPERATION START ########################
Install check configuration START

Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /opt/oracle/product/11.2/grid
Oracle Home type selected for de-install is: SIHA
Oracle Base selected for de-install is: /opt/oracle
Checking for existence of central inventory location /opt/oracle/oraInventory
Checking for existence of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home /opt/oracle/produc

Install check configuration END

Traces log file: /opt/oracle/oraInventory/logs//crsdc.log

Network Configuration check config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /opt/oracle/oraInventory/logs/netd

Specify all Oracle Restart enabled listeners that are to be de-configured [LISTE

Network Configuration check config END

Asm Check Configuration START

ASM de-configuration trace file location: /opt/oracle/oraInventory/logs/asmcadc_

Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance is detected in this Oracle home /opt/oracle/product/
ASM Diagnostic Destination : /opt/oracle
ASM Diskgroups : +DATA1,+FRA1
Diskgroups will be dropped
De-configuring ASM will drop all the diskgroups and it's contents at cleanup time. This will aff
ect all of the databases and ACFS that use this ASM instance(s).

After some initial question and answer it shows a summary of activities and prompts you for a confirmation:

####################### CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home is: /opt/oracle/product/11.2/grid1
The cluster node(s) on which the Oracle home exists are: (Please input nodes seperated by ",", eg: node1,node2,...)null
Oracle Home selected for de-install is: /opt/oracle/product/11.2/grid1
Inventory Location where the Oracle home registered is: /opt/oracle/oraInventory
Following Oracle Restart enabled listener(s) will be de-configured: LISTENER
ASM instance will be de-configured from this Oracle home
Do you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]: y
A log of this session will be written to: '/opt/oracle/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2009-09-02_02-12-22-PM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/opt/oracle/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2009-09-02_02-12-22-PM.err'

After you press "y", it starts the operation of a clean deinstallation. The output continues as shown below:

######################## CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
ASM de-configuration trace file location: /opt/oracle/oraInventory/logs/asmcadc_clean22389.log
ASM Clean Configuration START
ASM deletion in progress. This operation may take few minutes.
ASM Clean Configuration END

Network Configuration clean config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /opt/oracle/oraInventory/logs/netdc_clean22390.log

De-configuring Oracle Restart enabled listener(s): LISTENER

De-configuring listener: LISTENER
Stopping listener: LISTENER
Listener stopped successfully.
Unregistering listener: LISTENER
Listener unregistered successfully.
Deleting listener: LISTENER
Listener deleted successfully.
Listener de-configured successfully.

De-configuring Listener configuration file...
Listener configuration file de-configured successfully.

De-configuring Naming Methods configuration file...
Naming Methods configuration file de-configured successfully.

De-configuring backup files...
Backup files de-configured successfully.

The network configuration has been cleaned up successfully.

Network Configuration clean config END


At some point you will be asked to shutdown cssd, etc. which need root privileges. The deinstall utility shows a comamnd string you can run as root to accomplish this task:

Run the following command as the root user or the administrator on node "oradba2".

/opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/perl/bin/perl -I/opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/perl/lib -I/opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/crs/install /opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/crs/install/ -force -delete -paramfile /opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/response/deinstall_Ora11g_gridinfrahome1.rsp

Press Enter after you finish running the above commands

Running the command on a different terminal as root:

[root@oradba2 ~]# /opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/perl/bin/perl -I/opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/perl/lib -I/opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/crs/install /opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/crs/install/ -force -delete -paramfile /opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/response/deinstall_Ora11g_gridinfrahome1.rsp
2009-09-02 14:20:57: Checking for super user privileges
2009-09-02 14:20:57: User has super user privileges
2009-09-02 14:20:57: Parsing the host name
Using configuration parameter file: /opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/response/deinstall_Ora11g_gridinfrahome1.rsp
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssd' on 'oradba2'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssd' on 'oradba2' succeeded
CRS-4549: Stopping resources.
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.diskmon' on 'oradba2'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.diskmon' on 'oradba2' succeeded
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
ACFS-9200: Supported
Successfully deconfigured Oracle Restart stack

Now going back to the original terminal where deinstall was called from, press Enter. The output continues:

Oracle Universal Installer clean START

Detach Oracle home '/opt/oracle/product/11.2/grid1' from the central inventory on the local node : Done

Delete directory '/opt/oracle/product/11.2/grid1' on the local node : Done

The Oracle Base directory '/opt/oracle' will not be removed on local node. The directory is in use by Oracle Home '/opt/oracle/product/10.2/db1'.

The Oracle Base directory '/opt/oracle' will not be removed on local node. The directory is in use by central inventory.

Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.

Oracle Universal Installer clean END

Oracle install clean START

Clean install operation removing temporary directory '/tmp/install' on node 'oradba2'

Oracle install clean END

Moved default properties file /opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/response/deinstall_Ora11g_gridinfrahome1.rsp as /opt/oracle/software/11gR2/deinstall/response/deinstall_Ora11g_gridinfrahome1.rsp1

######################### CLEAN OPERATION END #########################

####################### CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
ASM instance was de-configured successfully from the Oracle home
Following Oracle Restart enabled listener(s) were de-configured successfully: LISTENER
Oracle Restart was already stopped and de-configured on node "oradba2"
Oracle Restart is stopped and de-configured successfully.
Successfully detached Oracle home '/opt/oracle/product/11.2/grid1' from the central inventory on the local node.
Successfully deleted directory '/opt/oracle/product/11.2/grid1' on the local node.
Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.

Oracle install successfully cleaned up the temporary directories.

############# ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL END #############

The components are cleanly deinstalled now. The directories have been cleaned up by this tool.

This was available in 11gR1 as well; but R2 just makes it very user friendly.

More on this later.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Oracle 11g Release 2 is Finally Out

Finally, it's that time again - the birth of a new versionof Oracle - 11g Release 2. Being Release 2, it does not have as much bells and whistles as the 11g.

I downloaded it immediately and started installation. Some of the gee-whiz features of this release are:

(1) Editions
(2) ASM Filesystem
(3) Oracle Restart
(5) Columnar Compression

I have been beta testing this for some time; so I had seen previews of the release. Continuing the previous serieses, I will write the new features series for 11gR2 on OTN as well - it will be a 11 part series.

A little bit about Oracle Restart. It adds a lightweight clusterware functionality to a single instance database. If the instance crashes, OR brings it up, monitors it ans so on. And by the way, this is called "Grid Infrastructure". So you have to install two Oracle Homes - one each for grid and the rdbms.

When there is Grid, there is srvctl, of course. The grid infrastructure comes with srvctl. Here is how you check what is running from a specific Oracle Home:

oracle@oradba1 ~# srvctl status home -o /opt/oracle/product/11gR2/db1 -s state.txt
Database d112d1 is running on node oradba1

The above command create a file called state.txt.

oracle@oradba1 ~# cat state.txt

It shows the database name - D112D1.

This is done on a single instance Oracle database; not a cluster. But the grid infrastructure looks and feels like a cluster. Here are some more commands to check status:

oracle@oradba1 ~# srvctl status listener
Listener LISTENER is enabled
Listener LISTENER is running on node(s): oradba1
oracle@oradba1 ~# srvctl status asm -a
ASM is running on oradba1
ASM is enabled.

A bunch of new processes suppor this grid infrastructure:

oracle 19046 1 0 18:13 ? 00:00:03 /opt/oracle/product/11gR2/grid1/bin/ohasd.bin reboot
oracle 19487 1 0 18:15 ? 00:01:14 /opt/oracle/product/11gR2/grid1/bin/oraagent.bin
oracle 19502 1 0 18:15 ? 00:00:01 /opt/oracle/product/11gR2/grid1/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit
oracle 19656 1 0 18:15 ? 00:00:01 /opt/oracle/product/11gR2/grid1/bin/cssdagent
oracle 19658 1 0 18:15 ? 00:00:02 /opt/oracle/product/11gR2/grid1/bin/orarootagent.bin
oracle 19674 1 0 18:15 ? 00:00:01 /opt/oracle/product/11gR2/grid1/bin/ocssd.bin
oracle 19687 1 0 18:15 ? 00:00:00 /opt/oracle/product/11gR2/grid1/bin/diskmon.bin -d -f

Let's see what happens when you kill the instance.

oracle@oradba1 ~# ps -aefgrep pmon
oracle 14225 13768 0 23:15 pts/7 00:00:00 grep pmon
oracle 19866 1 0 18:16 ? 00:00:00 asm_pmon_+ASM
oracle 26965 1 0 20:53 ? 00:00:00 ora_pmon_D112D1
oracle@oradba1 ~# kill -9 26965

This will, of course, crash the instance. Let's chck after some time:

oracle@oradba1 ~# ps -aef|grep pmon
oracle 14315 1 0 23:15 ? 00:00:00 ora_pmon_D112D1
oracle 14686 11492 0 23:17 pts/2 00:00:00 grep pmon
oracle 19866 1 0 18:16 ? 00:00:00 asm_pmon_+ASM

Where did the pmon come from? Didn't the instance just crash?

The instance was restarted by Oracle Restart.

What if you want to just keep the instance down, e.g. during a maintenance. Well, just shutdown normally; the instance will stay down. When you are ready, start the instance using either SQL*Plus or srvctl:

oracle@oradba1 ~# srvctl start database -d d112d1

Remember, D112D1 is a single instance database.

More on this later, on OTN.