
Thursday, October 02, 2014

OOW14 Session: The Art and Craft of Tracing

A big thanks to all those who braved attending my session on the final day of Oracle Open World 2014. I hope you enjoyed it and found it valuable.

You can download the slide deck as well as the scripts I mentioned here.

As always, I would love to hear from you.

OOW14 Session: RAC'fying Multitenant

Thank you for attending my session RAC'fying Multitenant at Oracle Open World 2014. You can download the slide deck here.

[Updated] Oct 4th, 2014: The article on multitenant I wrote for OTN is available here. This article shows various commands I referenced in my session, e.g. point in time recovery of PDBs.

As always I would love to hear from you.