Thank you all those who came to attend my session on demystifying latches at New York Oracle Users Group in Manhattan. I hope you found the session useful and enjoyable.
In this session, you learned:
What are latches – the purpose
Buffer cache latches
Shared pool latches
Identifying latch waits
Here is the slide deck and the scripts to reproduce the demos I showed as well as those I couldn't.
As usual, I will highly appreciate hearing from you how you liked it, or didn't. Please feel free to comment here or, contact me directly.
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Confessions of an Oracle Database Junkie - Arup Nanda The opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone. They may not necessarily reflect that of my employers and customers - both past or present. The comments left by the reviewers are theirs alone and may not reflect my opinion whether implied or not. None of the advice is warranted to be free of errors and ommision. Please use at your own risk and after thorough testing in your environment.