
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Exadata Article as NYOUG's Article of the Year 2012

The Editors of New York Oracle User Group (NYOUG) publication - TechJournal - chose my article Exadata Demystified as the Article of the Year. Here is the snippet from the Editorial:

And the Award Goes To …

The Editor’s Choice Award for 2013 (for papers written and/or presented in 2012) is awarded to Arup Nanda, author of the paper, Exadata Demystified, published in the current issue of the NYOUG Tech Journal.  Arup presented this topic at the December 2012 NYOUG User Group meeting.  A long-time DBA (17 years, so far), Arup is a consummate database professional, two-time recipient of Oracle Magazine’s annual excellence awards (DBA of the year, 2003, and Technologist of the Year, 2012), prolific author (coauthor of 4 books and author of more than 300 articles), and a tireless mentor.  Arup consistently delivers well-researched and engaging papers and presentations, and is a marvelous educator.
His attention to detail and clear expository style help to make each one of his articles an informative read and his presentations an enjoyable educational experience.  If Arup’s Exadata paper had not been chosen for the Editor’s Choice award, his paper, Partitioning: What, When, Why and How, (also published in the current issue) would have taken its place. Whether you agree with my choice of which of his papers is actually more useful for your (or general) purposes, I think you will agree that both are well worth a read, and a re-read, and a forwarding-on. It is a pleasure to have Arup Nanda associated with the NYOUG.

Thank you, per usual, for all of your huge contributions to the Oracle community.

Thank you, Melanie Caffrey - the Editor of TechJournal. I am humbled and without words. Your recognition of my work is very much appreciated.

If you are not a member of NYOUG, would you like to read the paper? Well, Melanie (and NYOUG) has graciously provided the permission for me to reproduce this article on my blog. Here it is. Please feel to download and read. As always, I would very much like to know what you thought.

While on that topic, you may also want to check out my four article series on Exadata Command Reference on Oracle Technology Network. It describes various tools, utilities and commands to become an expert Database Machine Administrator (DMA) of Exadata.


  1. Congrats, well deserved.

    Srikar Dasari

  2. Hi Arup,

    I just read your document, it was very well explained, I always like your detailed explanation.

    How about a performance tuning book.


  3. Congratulations, Arup, on being selected as both the winner and runner up for the 2012 NYOUG Editor's Choice award. The officers, steering committee, and membership of NYOUG truly appreciate your dedication to your local Oracle user community, as evidenced not only by your outstanding papers, but the generous contribution of your time and talents. Regardless of whether you are giving a keynote or technical presentation, participating on our "Ask The Experts" panel, speaking at a SIG meeting or webinar, or sharing your expertise during an NYOUG training day, we know that any time spent listening to you is time well spent that is sure to advance our knowledge on all things Oracle.

    Thanks once again for your enduring commitment to the Oracle user community in general, and, of course, NYOUG.

    Michael Olin
    President, NYOUG


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